Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Learning Goals March 31st

Compare Energy to Matter
Compare and contrast the different states (phases) of matter

Could you give someone a gallon of heat?  Why or why not?

Observation inference activity
p-7, 8
Home work p-10

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 30th

     go over HW
    Benchmark Heat
    Read Stadium Shivers  Do P-29
    Extra Credit Puzzle P-18

 Learning Goal  March 29th:
Continue reviewing for Heat Benchmark 3/30

FQ:   Copper (SH 299)  Stainless Steel (SH 510)
          and Iron (SH 450). 
Butter was placed on three spokes of the Wheel-o-Butter.  Which one took the butter the longest time to melt?

Which is a good conductor (why)?

Jeopardy Review
White review page
HW finish p23
        Study Vocab on Quizlet

Monday, March 28, 2011

Learning Goals for March 28th:
Review Heat Energy for upcoming
Wednesday Benchmark

FQ:  Describe what is occuring to
the molecules in this scenario.
You have a pot of boiling water
on the stove.  You leave a metal
spoon in the water and then you 
grab the spoon with your hand.

1.  Around the room review
2.  Yellow review p 40
3.  Return work

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Learning goals March 23rd
  • Discuss expansion and contration at a molecular level
  • Identify the exception to expansion/contraction rule

FQ: If you place a number of different
objects in the sun for the same period of time, would they all feel equally warm?  Why
or why not?

P-6 and 8

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 22nd
Learning Goal
 Experiment with radiation absorption
FQ Draw 3 pictures that demonstrate each of the ways heat can transfer?

  • Lab 64 and graph
  • classwork p 6 and 17
  • HW finish P 17

Learning Goals for March 21st:
Compare the different methods in which 
heat energy may be transferred.
FQ: What is occuring during 
conduction?  How is heat energy

1. Vocab:  Convection and Radiation
2.  Demos
3.  Page 24 (choose 10)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Learning Goals for March 18th:
Compare and contrast the different 
methods of heat transfer
FQ:  Explain what was occuring
during this demo.

1.  Turn in Portfolio
2.  Nye Heat

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Learning Goals for March 18th:
Compare and Contrast the different 
methods for Heat Energy Transfer


1.  Turn in Portfolio 24
2.  Nye Heat
Thursday March 17th
FQ:  What  do you observe in the demo below?
Using your knowledge of heat energy make an inference about this observation.

Learning Goals Compare and Contrast Specific heat with conductors and insulators.
*Vocab: Specific Heat
*Specific Heat Demos
*Portfolio # 23

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday 3/16
FQ What is a coozie used for?

Learning goal compare insulators and conductors

FQ/Pass back Papers
Finish notes
Lab 62
HW finish graph

Monday, March 14, 2011

3/15 Tuesday
FQ  Why does a pan usually have a plastic or wooden handle?

Learning Goal
Compare and contrast Conductors and Insulators

-FQ/Port #23
-Categorize materials
-Notes Insulators and Conductors

HW finish P15

Monday, March 7, 2011

Learning Goals

Monday March7  snow day
Week of March 8th- 11th
Define the following
  • Heat Temperature Absolute Zero
  • Joule  Calorie  Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin

Compare and Contrast  Heat and Temperature

Describe how heat can be transferred

Demonstrate the Kinetic Theory of Matter

Identify points of Temperature on a thermometer

Evaluate materials as either Insulators or Conductors